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Flash Work
Rochester Design Charrette Project
Rochester Design Charrette Project Preview

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Programs used: Flash 8, Dreamweaver


This project is from a trip I took with a number of my Humber classmates to Rochester University in New York to participate in a Design Charrette with some of their students. This was the first year this collaboration took place and was planned by both Humber and Rochester. I was invited on this trip by my program coordinator and jumped at this opportunity. We got into groups with 2 Rochester students and 2 Humber students in each one. Each group was given the challenge of creating a Flash website in 48 hrs with Lake Ontario as the subject. My group chose to focus on the shipwrecks at the bottom of the lake. I was responsible for a large majority of the coding and my other teammates were in charge of the design and the text content. This was quite a stressful project but it was a great experience at the same time. I learned a ton about how to work in a group in a short timeframe. I was quite proud of the final project. It was also displayed at the Humber booth at the FITC 2006 Conference this April, which was a great bonus.

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