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Flash Work
Dynamic Animation Assignment
Dynamic Animation Assignment Preview

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Program used: Flash 8


This example is the first assignment I did for my Avanced ActionScripting class during second year. We had to create a project that used different aspects of the new animation features in Flash 8. We had to use the new Tween class, Drawing API, Bitmap API, programmatic filters, blend modes, color matrix and movieClip loaders. I chose to create a photo gallery that allowed the user to apply different blendmodes and filters to the images and then save the changes to view later. I used the movieClip loader to load each image, resize and position them. I applied a drop shadow filter and a color matrix filter to create the the rollover state. To capture the changed image, I used the Bitmap class to store the image and draw it alongside along with the others. This assignment gave me a lot of experience with the new features of Flash 8 and I've become quite comfortable using the them.

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